In my previous blog posts, I explained how use the motivation that you found from within yourself. I have mentioned using exercise as your own form of catharsis, to overcome your fears, listening to music that you enjoy, and to find intrinsic motivators that you value. Those posts have explained how you find the motivation by yourself but others can help you find it for you. Whether it may be family, friends, or in this case, complete strangers from the internet.
Allow me to introduce you to In general (as it is difficult to explain) it is a very large forum and social bookmarking website that in which its members share various forms of media within the Reddit community. In terms of the social bookmarking aspect, pictures, videos, articles, pages, etc. are shared constantly and in term of the forum aspect, discussions are conducted, questions are asked and answered, and debates ravage through the website. It is a very lively and active community. Reddit is split in sections/topics which in Reddit jargon are referred to as “subreddits”. And within Reddit jargon, each subreddit begins with a “/r/” as reference to the URL. There are subreddits for funny content (/r/funny), fitness (/r/fitness), section to ask questions, holidays (/r/askreddit), cute pets and animals (/r/awww), your university or college (/r/humber, etc), and bananas (/r/banana…seriously). The list continues as Reddit members are given the freedom to openly create their own subreddit to whatever topic that they desire. In this case, I will discuss a reddit called /r/GetMotivated.