Thursday 6 December 2012

Motivation Found in the Gym

Sometimes motivation can be found in be missed in the most obvious of places. For example, my college, Humber College has an impressive fitness facility. It contains to rooms, one for cardio and another for the weight room, along with studio rooms and a small lounge equipped with 2 always-used tennis tables. But beyond the physicality of the gym, there are somethings that the regulars such as myself, miss. After examining the space in-depth, I realized that the fitness centre is not just for being healthy in terms of the body, but also through the mind.

I have mentioned plenty of times that I have come across kind gym-goers who encouraged me by giving me a high five or by complimenting me after I did a good lift. Conversation with strangers in the gym is key in order to remain focused that motivated to continue working out. This is because that you know for sure that there are people rooting for you and want you to succeed!

Another interesting characteristic about where I work out is that the fitness centre can also double as a bank for motivational quotes! In one photo, a motivational quote was printed on to a wall and on the next photo, a board pinned with motivational pictures and posters is rightfully displayed steps before you enter into the weight room. Just to give you that extra big of motivation.

This post isn’t about me bragging about where I workout but that not all gyms are created to drain the money out of your pocket but are actually their to truly help you in your life. My gym is a testimony to that mindset and should be enough for you to motivate you in searching for what your gym has in store for you to become a better you. Whether it may be the people in the gym, the posters on the wall, or those guys that won’t leave the table tennis table.

Socializing in the Gym is not Hard

If you have been online long enough you may realize that there are a lot of people on the internet that complains of the loneliness and attributes them to being anti-social and that they just do not fit into society. What is even more absurd is the fact that they are in online forums that are about topics that involve plenty of people. Some of them about being in the gym! Let me give you a little hint: if you are going to the gym, you already have something in common with all the people in the gym! So use it to interact!

You can make worthwhile conversations with any stranger in the gym that begins with simple as simple as just doing the same exercise or using the same bench. Experiences where I have met friends were through doing some unique exercises people don’t usually see, just working out in the same area of the gym, being a “regular” in the gym at the same time, and also just waiting in line just to use a machine.

What I am trying to get is do not be intimidated by people who go to the gym. There is a very good chance that they are searching for someone to talk to as much as you are. Especially, those people who go to the gym by themselves and are regulars who go to the gym at the same time everyday. It takes a toll with people by being alone doing the same thing on a daily basis. Trust me, I was one of them.

Monday 26 November 2012

What is Fitocray? Social Media's answer to Healthy Living

Lately I have been posting about how the internet is capable of helping you reach your health and fitness goals. I have spoken about /r/GetMotivated, an online community made to motivate their users and I have discussed the influence that YouTube videos are capable of in inspiring action. This time, I will discuss a social media twist on trying to stay fit and healthy.

Allow me to introduce you to Fitocracy. It contains all the components that a social media platform should have: 
  • A community
  • Some form of "Feed"
  • Groups for people with specific interest
  • Profiles
  • Followers
  • Some for of approving one's post (To "Like" something is to Facebook as to "Prop" something is to Fitocracy)

It has everything a social media site should plus one thing that differentiates it from the rest and thus defines it as a health and fitness website. And that is to post the progress that you make in the gym for people in Fitocracy to see and possibly “Prop” or comment.

Saturday 17 November 2012

YouTube videos that Motivate, not Procrastinate

YouTube may be the source of procrastination for many students in the world but it can also be website consisting of a rich source for motivational content that is capable of motivating everyone who is in search for some motivation in their life. The great thing about having a large library of videos such as YouTube’s is that the content in each video is so diversified that it will be very hard for you to find a video that will not strike a cord with you and create something valuable in your eyes. Personally, I thoroughly enjoy watching training montages of hard working athletes where I visualize me being one day reaching the same platform they are performing in. I am also a big softy for motivational speeches whether it may be in a film or to a live crowd, it does not matter. It just needs to get my insides burning and make me realize I am capable of doing anything; it is just a matter of if I am willing to do it. With the help of these amazing speeches, the answer is yes.

Friday 9 November 2012

MoMonday - Motivational Messages for Your Monday

The beginning of the week has always been a hurdle for many to be motivated and get the ball rolling. Mondays are probably the most hated day of the week as it is the day after your weekend off from work, school and pains of life. Just the thought of what you will have to do for the week when you wake up on that Monday morning will force people to lay under their bed sheets and hopefully wake up on a Saturday morning. Sometimes, we just need someone to wake us up with their messages of motivation.

A solution that a group in Toronto has created is a monthly event called, “MoMondays” (Motivational Mondays).  

“MoMondays™ is like a cross between open mic comedy and TED Talks, but with professional and amateur motivational speakers. Each event, you’ll see six to eight speakers tell a few stories from their speeches. Some are funny, some are thought-provoking, all are motivating.”

This event has been so successful that another MoMonday event will begin in Winnipeg on (surprise!) Monday, November 12, 2012. Be sure to also attend their Toronto event on November 26 in The Pilot Tavern, 22 Cumberland Street near Yonge and Bloor.

Wednesday 31 October 2012

/r/GetMotivated a Community To Help You Reach a New Level

In my previous blog posts, I explained how use the motivation that you found from within yourself. I have mentioned using exercise as your own form of catharsis, to overcome your fears, listening to music that you enjoy, and to find intrinsic motivators that you value. Those posts have explained how you find the motivation by yourself but others can help you find it for you. Whether it may be family, friends, or in this case, complete strangers from the internet.

Allow me to introduce you to In general (as it is difficult to explain) it is a very large forum and social bookmarking website that in which its members share various forms of media within the Reddit community. In terms of the social bookmarking aspect, pictures, videos, articles, pages, etc. are shared constantly and in term of the forum aspect, discussions are conducted, questions are asked and answered, and debates ravage through the website. It is a very lively and active community. Reddit is split in sections/topics which in Reddit jargon are referred to as “subreddits”. And within Reddit jargon, each subreddit begins with a “/r/” as reference to the URL. There are subreddits for funny content (/r/funny), fitness (/r/fitness), section to ask questions, holidays (/r/askreddit), cute pets and animals (/r/awww), your university or college (/r/humber, etc), and bananas (/r/banana…seriously). The list continues as Reddit members are given the freedom to openly create their own subreddit to whatever topic that they desire. In this case, I will discuss a reddit called /r/GetMotivated.

Thursday 25 October 2012

For You vs. For me

Doing it for others can only make you go so far. But when doing it for yourself, you can reach new levels that far surpasses what you thought was possible.

I have been roaming around a few online communities and I find that a lot of the members seem to workout for the sole purpose to attract others and gain the acceptance of their peers. This is probably a motivator for many people in the gym, especially those who are just beginning. Personally, I believe this is not the most ideal way when deciding why you want to exercise and setting goals. One reason is that people who usually think that way are usually narcissists and continually judge everyone based on their appearance. That is by no means how anyone should live their life. They will just end up being shallow and not recognize that it does not matter if they look healthy, but if they are healthy.