Thursday, 6 December 2012

Motivation Found in the Gym

Sometimes motivation can be found in be missed in the most obvious of places. For example, my college, Humber College has an impressive fitness facility. It contains to rooms, one for cardio and another for the weight room, along with studio rooms and a small lounge equipped with 2 always-used tennis tables. But beyond the physicality of the gym, there are somethings that the regulars such as myself, miss. After examining the space in-depth, I realized that the fitness centre is not just for being healthy in terms of the body, but also through the mind.

I have mentioned plenty of times that I have come across kind gym-goers who encouraged me by giving me a high five or by complimenting me after I did a good lift. Conversation with strangers in the gym is key in order to remain focused that motivated to continue working out. This is because that you know for sure that there are people rooting for you and want you to succeed!

Another interesting characteristic about where I work out is that the fitness centre can also double as a bank for motivational quotes! In one photo, a motivational quote was printed on to a wall and on the next photo, a board pinned with motivational pictures and posters is rightfully displayed steps before you enter into the weight room. Just to give you that extra big of motivation.

This post isn’t about me bragging about where I workout but that not all gyms are created to drain the money out of your pocket but are actually their to truly help you in your life. My gym is a testimony to that mindset and should be enough for you to motivate you in searching for what your gym has in store for you to become a better you. Whether it may be the people in the gym, the posters on the wall, or those guys that won’t leave the table tennis table.

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