Monday, 24 September 2012

Motivation Can Help You So Much

Motivation really is a tricky subject. Extremely subjective, always changing, and maybe hard to achieve. This does not mean it is impossible to obtain, only to find.

Upon revealing the subject of this blog to my class, I received extremely (almost comically) minimal yet, eye-opening responses. Though I was only able to get the attention from a few people, their actions spoke louder than words. I was able to arouse their interest by simply saying, "My blog will be about making the gym an enjoyable experience". From this point on, I realized this is something people can universally relate to: Dragging their butts to the gym and doing a worthwhile routine while still wanting to go back to the gym the next day.

The prospect in being able to looking like your favorite actor, dunking the ball, or being fit in general is probably very exciting for you, but once reality sets in and you realize it will take months or years to reach your goal, you will start having second thoughts and immediately wanting to return to the usual daily grind of admiring those who achieved what you wanted. That is where we must find our motivation. That is what will give us that energy boost to last until the end of a workout, to stay focused and on track, to move forward and not step back, and most importantly, have us wanting more. Once you achieve your goal, that will not be the end, instead it will just be the beginning of a new and more challenging goal. When you attain that, you keep going and becoming a better person you were last year, last month, and yesterday.

Follow this blog and I will post ways how I have been able to motivate myself using different mediums such as music, movies, and people. Once you read it, you will more or less say, “Well…I knew that!” but believe me, it is easier said than done.

Next post will be this Thursday and that is when the real fun begins.

I will end it off with my favorite quote which always motivates me and keeps me moving onward:

"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training…what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable."


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